Donation Clinic in India
Egg Donation Clinic in India
is one of the best fertility clinics in India which offers the high class
assisted reproductive treatment to patients from all over the world. The EggDonation Clinic in India offers the affordable treatment to childless
couples to take the next step towards the parenthood.
By choosing a best and accomplished clinic will
increase the chances of couples for the successful pregnancy. Egg DonorClinic in India focuses on all aspects of infertility and offers the best
fertility treatment services, such as IVF, IUI, ICSI, egg donation, embryo
donation, assisted hatching, surrogacy and embryo freezing.
Egg Donation
India Process
The step by step Egg Donation India
Program for the women who want to become an egg donor.
Fill the Application Form: Egg Donor Clinic in Indiaincludes the information about the egg donor family history, personal health
history, drug usage, sexual activity, medical background, educational
background, childbearing history and other hobbies outside the egg donor’s
Initial Screening: The Egg Donor Clinic in India
will review the donor’s application, and if donor able to clear the initial
screening, then they will undergo for the interview with the clinic
coordinator. If the donor’s medical and family history is normal then they have
to undergo a physical examination including laboratory tests.
Medical and inherited disease testing: Egg Donor Clinic in Indiawill require the egg donor to undergo the medical and psychological screening
before joining the Egg Donation India program. The egg donor will
undergo the physical examination, pelvic exam and blood tests to check the
level of hormones. An Ultrasound scan will be done to check the status of egg
donor uterus, ovaries, and other pelvic organs. Egg donor will also be
examining for infectious diseases such as Hepatitis B, HIV etc. Before joining
the Egg Donation India Program the egg donor has to provide the full
medical history of the birth defect or any serious inherited disease.
Psychological screening: Psychological
screening will be conducted for the egg donor before joining the Eggdonation India program as this program required a lot of emotional support.
Our counselors will help the egg donors to evaluate the desire of donating eggs
and to think through these issues. During the screening, the egg donors have a
chance to ask questions and express any concerns regarding the Egg DonationIndia program.
Legal Process: Once the
egg donor medically cleared by the Egg Donor Clinic in India, then they
have to undergo for the legal process. The Egg Donor Clinic in India signs a legal contract between the egg donor and the recipient. After all the
contract documents are signed the recipient’s attorney issues a legal clearance
letter, and enables the Egg Donor Clinic in India to begin the medical
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