There are wide ranges of Fertility Treatment in Delhi available to treat the infertility of the couples and
give them a reason to enjoy their parenthood happily. Following are the Fertility Treatment in Delhi:
a) Egg Donation: In
case you are above the age of 40 years and not able to produce enough eggs for
fertilization or the eggs produced by you is of bad quality, then the egg
donation is the best Fertility Treatment in Delhi for you. In this
procedure, the egg donated by the other women will be fertilized with the sperm
of your husband or donor sperm and once the eggs get fertilized then the
resulted embryo will be placed into your uterus in order to establish the
successful pregnancy.
b) Surrogacy: Surrogacy is a procedure of Fertility Treatment in Delhi which helps those women who are unable to carry the pregnancy in her the womb
due to some medical illness. Surrogacy is of two types (i) Gestational and (ii)
Gestational: Gestational surrogacy is the Fertility Treatment in
Delhi where your eggs and your husband sperm or donor egg and donor sperm
are used for fertilization and the resulted embryo will be implanted into the
uterus of gestational the surrogate. In this procedure, the surrogate is not
directly related to the baby as her the eggs are not used in this procedure.
Traditional: Traditional surrogacy is the Fertility Treatment in
Delhi where the surrogate mother will be artificially inseminated with your
husband sperm and hence she is a biological mother of the newborn the as her
eggs are used for this procedure.
c) IVF: IVF is the Fertility Treatment in Delhi which involves
various steps. First, the fertility drugs are given to you so that your ovaries
can stimulate and produce more mature eggs. Second, the eggs will be retrieved
from your ovaries by using the suction needle. Third, your eggs are fertilized
with your husband sperm in the laboratory. Lastly, the best quality of embryos
will be transferred into your uterus in order to establish the successful
d) ICSI: ICSI is a procedure of Fertility Treatment Delhi where your
husband single sperm is directly injected into each egg for fertilization and
once the fertilization occurs the fertilized embryo will be placed into your
e) IMSI: Intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI) is
a procedure of Fertility Treatment Delhi which is a real time method
where sperms are selected before the microinjection takes place. This procedure is done by using the inverted
microscope which is able to provide the much greater magnifying power which is
around 6600 times than those which are used in reproductive laboratories that
are around 200 times to carry out the ICSI.
Success Rate of Fertility Treatment in Delhi
The success rate of Fertility Treatment in Delhi depends on the age of the women and also vary from procedure to
procedure, however, till date the success rate of Fertility Treatment in Delhi for taking the baby home by using any of the above procedures is
between 65-80% which is quite high as compared with the success rate of other
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